
touch base

touch base to talk to someone in order to find out how they are or what they think about something (usually + with ) I had a really good time in Paris. I touched base with some old friends and made a few new ones.


pur・sue /ps|ps(j)/→1 〈獲物・犯人などを〉(つかまえたり殺したりする目的で)追う,追跡する.→ 2a +目 (+with+(代)名)〈人に〉うるさくつきまとう,〈人を〉〔…で〕しつこく悩ます.→ b 〈不幸・病気などが〉〈人に〉つきまとう.→ 3 〈計画・調査・研究などを〉…


sure-fire (adjective) うまくいくことが保証されている、必ずうまくいく Do you know a sure-fire way to make a cake so it's not too dry?